path: root/libs/pwyazh/example.c
diff options
authorpryazha <>2025-01-19 17:33:44 +0500
committerpryazha <>2025-01-19 17:33:44 +0500
commitbd49bd525f4c6c6c15c4142bf42d1dd38be6fc16 (patch)
tree9e69f473c34b53e9e57d8af1873c39698bf5c80e /libs/pwyazh/example.c
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/pwyazh/example.c')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/pwyazh/example.c b/libs/pwyazh/example.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8939c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/pwyazh/example.c
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "pwyazh.h"
+typedef struct Node {
+ struct Node *next;
+ struct Node *prev;
+ F32 value;
+} Node;
+print_dll(Node *f)
+ for (Node *c = f;
+ c;
+ c = c->next)
+ {
+ printf("%f%c", c->value, (c->next) ? ' ' : '\n');
+ }
+clear_dll(Node **f, Node **l)
+ for (Node *c = (*f)->next;
+ c;
+ c = c->next)
+ {
+ MemoryZeroStruct(c->prev);
+ }
+ MemoryZeroStruct(*f);
+ MemoryZeroStruct(*l);
+ *f = *l = 0;
+ V3F pos = v3f(1.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f);
+ pos = v3f_add(pos, v3f(-1.0f, 2.0f, 0.23f));
+ pos = v3f_scalef(pos, 10.0f);
+ printf("scaled: %f %f %f\n", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
+ F32 length = v3f_length(pos);
+ Assert(length > 0.0f);
+ printf("length: %f\n", length);
+ V3F positions[] = {
+ { -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
+ { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
+ { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
+ { 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f },
+ };
+ for (U32 pos_index = 0;
+ pos_index < ArrayCount(positions);
+ ++pos_index)
+ {
+ V3F *pos = positions+pos_index;
+ printf("%d: %f %f %f\n", pos_index,
+ pos->x, pos->y, pos->z);
+ U64 ptr_as_int = IntFromPtr(pos);
+ printf("ptr: %lx\n", ptr_as_int);
+ void *ptr = PtrFromInt(ptr_as_int);
+ V3F *as_pos = (V3F *)ptr;
+ printf("decode: %f %f %f\n",
+ as_pos->x, as_pos->y, as_pos->z);
+ }
+ printf("Offset of y: %lld\n", OffsetOfMember(V3F, y));
+ S32 min = Min(10, 2);
+ S32 max = Max(10, 2);
+ printf("min: %d\n", min);
+ printf("max: %d\n", max);
+ S32 source[100];
+ for (S32 index = 0;
+ index < 100;
+ ++index)
+ {
+ source[index] = index;
+ printf("%d%c", source[index], (index < 99) ? ' ' : '\n');
+ }
+ S32 dest[100];
+ MemoryCopyArray(dest, source);
+ printf("dest: ");
+ for (S32 index = 0;
+ index < 100;
+ ++index)
+ {
+ printf("%d%c", dest[index], (index < 99) ? ' ' : '\n');
+ }
+ printf("compare: %d\n", MemoryMatch(source, dest, sizeof(source)));
+ MemoryZeroArray(dest);
+ printf("dest: ");
+ for (S32 index = 0;
+ index < 100;
+ ++index)
+ {
+ printf("%d%c", dest[index], (index < 99) ? ' ' : '\n');
+ }
+ printf("compare: %d\n", MemoryMatch(source, dest, sizeof(source)));
+ V3F first = v3f_zero();
+ V3F second;
+ printf("struct compare: %d\n", MemoryMatch(&first, &second, sizeof(V3F)));
+ MemoryCopyStruct(&second, &first);
+ printf("struct compare: %d\n", MemoryMatch(&first, &second, sizeof(V3F)));
+ MAT4 mat = mat4_identity();
+ printf("det: %f\n", mat4_det(mat));
+ {
+ U32 node_count = 10;
+ Arena *arena = arena_alloc(Megabytes(64));
+ Node *nodes = arena_push_size(arena, node_count*sizeof(Node));
+ MemoryZero(nodes, node_count*sizeof(Node));
+ Node *f = 0;
+ Node *l = 0;
+ for (U32 node_index = 0;
+ node_index < node_count;
+ ++node_index)
+ {
+ nodes[node_index].value = node_index;
+ DLLPushBack(f, l, &nodes[node_index]);
+ }
+ print_dll(f);
+ for (Node *c = f;
+ c;
+ c = c->next)
+ {
+ if (c->value == 5.0f) {
+ DLLRemove(f, l, c);
+ }
+ }
+ DLLPushBack(f, l, &nodes[5]);
+ for (U32 node_index = 0;
+ node_index < node_count;
+ ++node_index)
+ {
+ Node *node = nodes+node_index;
+ printf("%u: prev: %llx ptr: %llx next: %llx %f\n",
+ node_index, IntFromPtr(node->prev),
+ IntFromPtr(node), IntFromPtr(node->next), node->value);
+ }
+ clear_dll(&f, &l);
+ for (U32 node_index = 0;
+ node_index < node_count;
+ ++node_index)
+ {
+ Node *node = nodes+node_index;
+ printf("%u: prev: %llx ptr: %llx next: %llx %f\n",
+ node_index, IntFromPtr(node->prev),
+ IntFromPtr(node), IntFromPtr(node->next), node->value);
+ }
+ print_dll(f);
+ arena_release(arena);
+ }
+ U64 temp_size = Kilobytes(1);
+ Arena *temp = arena_alloc(temp_size);
+ S32 test_count = temp_size/sizeof(S32);
+ S32 *test = arena_push_size(temp, test_count*sizeof(S32));
+ MemoryZero(test, test_count*sizeof(S32));
+ S32 i;
+ for (i = 0;
+ i < test_count;
+ ++i)
+ {
+ S32 *item = test+i;
+ *item = i;
+ printf("%d%c", *item, (i == test_count-1) ? '\n' : ' ');
+ }
+ arena_release(temp);
+ temp = arena_alloc(temp_size);
+ String8 str = str8_cstring((U8 *)"This is a c string");
+ printf("%s", str.str);
+ arena_release(temp);
+ return(0);